An obsessive disorder which involves an irrational desire for a 'perfect smile'. The smilorexic is difficult to please with conservative cosmetic dental procedures and commonly is a victim of overly aggressive dentists called the 'Veneer Nazis'.

Smilorexia often involves compulsive tooth whitening, flirting with the dentist for discounted cosmetic treatment and extreme mood swings if the treatment does not result in a super-fake artificial smile.
"The smile junky, no longer able to afford the expensive trips to the clinician, shudders in the corner of her apartment. Crumpled boxes of Crest Whitening strips in the corner. She boils the last contents of rembrandt whitening toothpaste in a spoon..."

(see New York Times - Smilorexia)
by VeneerNazi September 1, 2010
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