
To be skinnered is to be drawn into an addictive behaviour by *intentional* B.F. Skinner inspired psychological tricks.

B.F. Skinner observed the behaviour of pigeons and rats in boxes which were rigged with buttons to release food. Where the switch consistently released food, the subjects were satiated, and only called for food when desired.

When the switch only dropped food randomly, the subjects pushed the button incessantly, whether they were hungry or not, and developed superstitious behaviours (looking over their shoulder). Perhaps they knew they could not trust the machine to give them food every time, and thus felt the need to stock pile as much as possible from this source? Perhaps they were trying to "game" the system - to learn how to get it to work consistently? Either way, they were hooked.

Many gambling machines lean heavily on this technique. In recent years, subscription based models of videogaming (notably MMOs) have used this approach in their game mechanics to encourage players to play for as long as possible, renewing their subscriptions at every payment interval.

However, now even web 2.0 style websites will reward schemes for mundane excercises.

To be skinnered, then, is to be duped into doing a repetitious task that you don't necessarily want to do, but have been compelled into doing by the application B.F. Skinner's psychological studies.
Johnny's not coming out tonight. He got skinnered by Starcraft II.

I don't actually want to use this app, but I'm skinnered by the banana points.

I got home, fully intended to go to bed early, but got stuck in the skinner box.

Felt totally skinnered by this otherwise unpleasant game. Stupid achievement points. I'm not playing because I want to. I'm playing because of a fucking carrot dangled infront of my face. I have no will power.
by HilariousCow August 16, 2010
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Julia: Don’t talk to John he’s a skinner
by Ghanayana January 8, 2020
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While in missionary possition; Using one's pubic region to apply pressure upon the clitoris, while slowly rolling one's hips.
Brad can't get rid of Emily since he used The Skinner on her.
by Dr. Skinner April 20, 2010
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The action of a finger poking through toilet paper once wet during the wiping process and emerging covered in poo.
Dude, I've totally got pink eye after skinnering and rubbing my eye before I realized.
by Zombleton Smith December 22, 2016
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Verb: To be a dick, asshole or fuck face intentionally and specifically to your friends for personal enjoyment.
Josh is always such an asshole To his friends. He is constantly Skinnering them.

The next time josh skinners me I will lose my shit.
by Jkyboy September 8, 2016
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A derogatory term used by prison inmates used for a convicted and incarcerated pedophile. Surprisingly, 'Skinners' are very reviled by prison inmates and are often segregated from the rest of the prison community to protect them from other prisoners.
"Inmate #190203 ain't nothing but a scumbag skinner. He raped a little 6 year old boy in Alabama. If I ever get my hands on that skinner I'm gonna kill him"
by Atomic Mutant January 8, 2009
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When someone is incapable of finishing a complete sentence from being too high on methamphetamines which cause numerous back to back partial sentences in which are usually about different subjects.
I have no idea what that guy just said to me. I think he so high he can only speak in skinnerisms
by Samantha Spaulding August 25, 2017
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