A mother that looks like a good parent to strangers, yet is a complete bitch to her children. Occasionally raises daughters to follow in her footsteps.
Mother Dearest can't be bothered to say "hello"--the first thing out of her mouth was a blatant threat.
by Anonymous--omgwtfbbq July 6, 2010
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Can also be used as Father Dearest, Mother Dearest is a respectful way to address ones own parents in response to one of their questions.
Mother Dearest, I am currently unable to unload the automatic kitchen-ware cleaning utility due to the fact of hundreds of thousands of virtual users watching me click buttons and move pixels for hours on end.
by NotGeon June 23, 2021
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A women named Keith padiddle donk.
kid: hello Mother Dearest
Keith: HEllo mey small child
by mother dearist February 24, 2022
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