Someone who is very polite. Some may say overly polite while others find this quality endearing. This person is very caring and is always there for their friends and others who may randomly need them. Though they seem totally selfless by letting others confide in them, they get joy out of helping, making their actions slightly selfish. This person is very strong in their beliefs and likes discussing their beliefs. They do this in a non-overbearing way. They have trouble being out right mean but when someone is being hurt they are willing to punch someone in the face, sometimes even knocking a few teeth out. This person is very protective of those they care about and protective of those who they do not know. They believe every person should be treated with respect and does not discriminate for any reason. This person is easy to open up to and loves to have fun.
He so polite, he's such a Kaase.
by verymerryCHRISTmas December 2, 2009
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