1. Noncery is a term used for pedophillia. It is the process, or act of noncing. Also see nonce.

2. Noncery is also a non-swearing version of wankerism, or twatting. They are words used to describe someone who takes part in being a wanker or a twat. Also see wanker and twat.
That guy is obsessed with utter noncery.
by Julio Von Janitor January 27, 2007
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Committing an act that is a bit sus around children or underage people. Being a nonce (pedophile).
That is some pure noncery from Jeremy .
by Vexotic__ February 4, 2021
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So basically lads noncery is a nonce acting like a nonce and way more noncy than you thought they were. E.g. A thot who is trying to send you shrek nudes and her own nudes and is clearly being a nonce and if you can’t tell then you are a nonce committing noncery
Ay don’t try send nudes to me stop being a nonce you thot I’m afraid you are going to have to be imprisonded for noncery
by Thot d3stroyer November 8, 2018
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Actions that are considered to which be considered noncey
by Wanglechild December 11, 2020
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