Cousin to the McGangBang, the McClusterFuck is the equivalent to 4 European college chicks getting lost in the ghetto. The sandwich is a double quarter pounder with cheese with 4 chicken nuggets between the patties - both ordered from McDonald's.

This recipe originated at Baylor University in Waco, TX.
"Wow, this McClusterFuck is amazing!"

"Ugh. Man, it feels like it's already turned my arteries into a McClusterFuck."
by BaylorWallaby January 1, 2010
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The result of the new double drive-through design many fast food restaurants (namely McDonalds) are using. Two lanes converge into one in what should be an orderly fashion...until, that is, when people are in too much of a hurry to understand the concept and start cutting each other off, creating mass confusion for the customers and the staff.
"I would have been here earlier but I ran into a giant McClusterfuck at the drive-through AND got the wrong order on top of it!"
by RJ Singleton October 17, 2006
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this is when things get all jacked up while waiting in line in McDonalds.
Ex: The fat woman in front of you is having a fit over getting only 19 McNuggets instead of twenty.

In a sentence: This dude @ mickey-Ds was paying for his McMuffin & small shake with pennies. Then they gave him the wrong shake, he wanted chocolate, but they gave him strawberry & an orange juice; it was a total McClusterfuck.
by the1theycalldude December 5, 2010
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A Dollar Menu sandwich combination from McDonald's. You order one McDouble, one bacon cheesebruger, and one McChicken sandwich.

1 - Remove the top bun from the McDouble and replace it with the McChicken.
2 - Remove the top bun from the McChicken and replace it with the bacon cheeseburger.
3 - Dine like a king.
Steve: "Hey guys check it out, I'm ordering a McGangbang!"
Paul: "Dude, don't be a bitch. Make those McClusterfucks."
by Heinz Baby Basics September 15, 2011
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The result of the new double drive-through design many fast food restaurants (namely McDonalds) are using. Two lanes converge into one in what should be an orderly fashion...until, that is, when people are in too much of a hurry to understand the concept and start cutting each other off, creating mass confusion for the customers and the staff.
"I would have been here earlier but I ran into a giant McClusterfuck at the drive-through AND got the wrong order on top of it!"
by RJ Singleton October 18, 2006
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Like the mcgangbang, but using two angus 3rd pounders. Arrange them like a big mac, with a bun in the middle, and then take a 4-piece chicken nugget and put them near the middle.
"I'd like to order a mcclusterfuck"

"how the hell are you gonna eat all that?"
by Brumill October 21, 2011
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The massive amount of people and cars standing between you and McDonalds, typically when you have the munchies and are extremely hungry.
Tyler: Hell yeah man you got some Wendy's!

Justin: Yeah man, I was gonna stop at McDonald's but there was a total McClusterfuck going on up in there so I just went to Wendy's instead.

Tyler: Word.
by j dawggg September 22, 2011
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