Someone who likes hieghts and enjoys climbing things
Such as the main character Fred Cassidy an arcophile (duh) in Roger Zelazny's book:
Door Ways In the Sand
Person 1: Why is he always climbing up trees and buildings?
Person 2: Because he's an acrophile, and an idiot.
by KarasuK May 21, 2006
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From Greek acro - meaning high, height and philic - meaning being fond of or love something or someone. Simply, a person who loves heights/peaks.
Used metaphorically in sentences such as 'he likes to reach the peaks of dancing, he is an acrophilic.' or

Or literally when describing themselves on social media platforms, such as 'Trekking Lover -Mountaineer-Adventurer-Acrophilic'.
by Semiotician December 12, 2018
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