1.(v) a smooth romantic retort that sweeps a girl off her feet or takes her by complete suprise; also see suave
2.(n.) a ladies man, gentleman, yet always constantly flirting
3.(adj.) used to describe someone who recieves an unexplained 'A' on an exam or test without any prior knowledge of the tested subject
ex1. "Why are you staring at me like that?" "Staring? I was just lost in your beautiful eyes..."
ex2. Imagine the Fonz from the 1980's sitcom 'Happy days' but to the tenth power.
ex3. Look there's wonser Jim, he made an A on Mr. Berkeley's exam
by Kingwoodite March 23, 2006
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1. (v.) when a smooth or suave retort is spoken to a woman in such a way that is romantically takes her by suprise.
2. (v.) When recieving an unexplained 'A' on a Physics test in which the test-taker had no prior knowledge of the tested material
3. (n.) Used to describe some that steals christmas decorations from a yard with intent to ransom
1. Yeah, I wonsered Jenny and she said yes to the dance.
2. Wow! I wonsered that physics test!
3. Man.. i'm such a Wonser. Stephani's Christmas decorations are gone!
by Michael Wonser December 20, 2005
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