This definition has absolutely nothing to do with cocaine. A crackhead is somebody that is addicted to smelling other people's cracks (the crack in their asses). It can be done with a willing recipient, an unwilling recipient whereby the culprit will 'sneek a snort' when convenient, or even partake in the inhaling of fumes emitted from someones chair, or soiled undies. At this time there is no known treatment available over the counter, however it's rumored the A.M.A. is addressing the issue.
Obadiah's lack of coherency became quite apparent after his long term habbit of snorting Big Edna's office chair. The red eyes and drooling have become quite pronounced and he no longer has the ability to utilize the restroom without assistance. He is the crackhead poster-boy.
by Big Ed Moustapha April 5, 2010
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1. one who partakes in smoking crack cocaine.
2. One who can run like the wind when s/he believes that quazimotto is chasing him/her.
3. one who will try to sell thier dog on e-bay.
4. If you live in a hotel, have no food, are pregnant, and your only worry is when/how to are a crackhead.
5. one who acts "crackish"
6. A Jarrod or an Izatt.
7. A "parent" of a Crack baby.
8. The person who robbed you.
Police : FREEZE! your under arrest.

person: "help, the moon is following me! it won't leave me alone! It's laughing at me!! LAUGHING!

Police: Fucking crackhead!
by BETTY CROCKER June 22, 2006
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(crackhead is a crackhead ain't no other word for it)
A crackhead is a person who is addicted to drug crack. Crackheads will stop at nothing to support their habit which includes not paying their bills, stealing from anyone including family members, & some even sell drug dealers out to the police for crack or just rob them when they know you are not home. Some even do housecleaning.
As 2Pac recited "And even though you was a crack feen momma ya always was a black queen momma"- (R.I.P).

Crack is whack!

She's a crackhead.
by Nikitta June 21, 2006
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Someone who smokes crack and will lie cheat and steal from anyone to get a hit
"Damn, that crackhead stole my son's wagon" or "He'll never pay you back,he's a crackhead"
Things a crackhead might say.."Did you see that? That light." Oh my god,there's a camera on the lightpost" "They're on to me"
or "Do you know anyone who needs a T.V/giftcard/furniture?" The list goes on.
by electriclisa August 30, 2005
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Somebody who does crack regulary and gets addicted. Thus becoming a crackhead.
Mr. Angell is SUCH a crackhead!
by Roxy January 11, 2005
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The lowest form of a drug-user.
Hey everyone, look... it's a crackhead.
by Ro0ke December 10, 2002
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One who abuses crack. The lost of family, friends, income and other items seem not to bother this person. This person has turn his/her back on the true meaning of life. The only thing left for a crackhead is the aweful smell of shit that follows them like a shadow on a hot sunny day. Soap and water has become his/her biggest enemy! They are on the hunt...damn everything else! If he/she had to choose between his/her mother or crack...the mother would be quickly rejected...and crack so passionately embraced!
Damn I can't believe my mom has not returned in 4 days
(the next day) Hi kids I am did not mean to leave you here in this house for 5 days without food or water! It won't happen again.....
(child)yeah right! Mom we all know you are a crackhead! Please get help... you are destroying our family!
by Blackdiamond September 13, 2007
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