hectic + activity = hectivity
In an unusually busy place where people are stressed out: what's with all the hectivity?
by cplots November 25, 2005
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hectic activity;

experience characterized by extreme activity or excitement.
There's too much hectivity in modern society!

Do we have to go to Jenna's house for thanksgiving? I would rather stay here and avoid all that hectivity.

Perhaps we should weigh the advantages of having kids against the inherent hectivity to follow before having unprotected sex?
by dasein February 21, 2011
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Adj. to describe anything that is great, unique, and spur of the moment.
Have a hectivity kind of day. That was a hectivity catch the receiver made as he ran toward the end zone.
by Tougher'N'Nails November 17, 2020
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An activity or multiple activities which are full on and hectic. E.g. “today was full of hectivity
Person 1: Hey, how’s it going?
Person 2: Not great, my week was full of hectivity, I’m exhausted.
by Gravity23 February 21, 2019
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