1 definition by yours & yours only

Lara? Oh how much there is to say about Lara.
Once you meet her? You'll be addicted; there's no saving you -and I say this from experience.
It's as if she speaks in sonnets, soft syllables and wonderous words spilling from that pretty pink mouth of hers. The mouth that no doubt you'll dream about meeting.
But her magnetic features aren't what bewitch you the most, it's her heart you most adore.
In every conversation you have the honour of earning, she'll take you by surprise, catch you off guard, and ultimately leave you staring at your phone open-mouthed, or failing to mask your wide eyes as she speaks.
She may worry about oversharing, but her openness refreshes you, there's nothing you wouldn't do for her.
When you first meet her, you might mistake her for shy, hiding her face in a curtain of hair that you can't seem to pry your eyes from.

But you'd be terribly, terribly wrong. When she's comfortable her her smile and articulated speech envelops your mind, refusing to release you.
Speaking of your mind...she'll live there rent free.

25/8 you'll be thinking of her and she'll manifest herself in the strangest of ways.
Perhaps you'll see her name or her outline in the sketches of a drawing, or you'll notice the most random of objects that remind you of her.

It doesn't matter where you are, or what you're doing, she'll be there.

So what I'm trying to say as I anxiously wait for her next text, is beware.
She's like no one you've ever met before.
'Oh Lara? The writer? Didn't you say her favourite flower was-'
"Wisteria, yes. A breathtaking flower for a breathtaking woman."
by yours & yours only November 21, 2021
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