12 definitions by xiaovenforever

1: there are saiouma/saimatsu fans screaming at each other about which ship is better and calling each other toxic even tho they're both toxic asf. and then saimatsu fans try to convince everyone that they're getting "bullied" by saiouma fans while they're out there making hate clubs and slander accounts for saiouma. fucking hypocrites. meanwhile saiouma fans are all about "kaede is kaedead now,, shuichi belongs with kokichi anyways uwu" 80% of them are 10-year-old girls who have no fucking life and who torment saimatsu fans (i'm in the other 20% btw). and when they cooled down, the saimatsu fans attacked and became just as toxic as the them "saiouma sucks all the fans are fujoshis!! saimatsu is canon (also don't dox me uwu)" both saimatsu and saiouma stans are equally fucking losers and in desperate need for a life.
2: there's the komahina stans who think komahina canon because nagito said he's in love with hajime's hope or some shit. then they proceed to attack and brutalize anyone who ships komamiki, komanami, or hinanami because they have no fucking life. "YOU DON'T SHIP NAGITO AND HAJIME?? YOU'RE SO HOMOPHOBIC OMG!!"
3: oumeno komanami amacha etc shippers who get attacked by the rest of fandom for "erasing a character's sexuality". and everyone will brutalize them and apparently they can because their ships are "toxic and homophobic"

there is more but there's also a word limit. basically,, danganronpa shippers are 90% idiots and 10% actually decent people
dangnaronpa shipper #1: OHMYGOD I LOVE SAIMATSU

danganronpa shipper #2: OHMYGOD I LOVE SAIOUMA
danganronpa shipper #1: >:(
danganronpa shipper #2: >:(
*insert 3975923472309572038420397520398420 years of arguing*
me: ah yes, the danganronpa shippers
by xiaovenforever August 31, 2022
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person #1: who do you ship shuichi with?
person #2: kokichi
person #3: kaede
person #4: kaito
person #1: well, doesn't matter. he's a bisexual mess either way. can the fandom agree on that shit?
person #2-4: yes
by xiaovenforever August 5, 2022
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a war (normally online) started in order to prove that one ship is better than another one. normally, both of the ships are fairly popular and well-liked in the fandom. sometimes, there are 3-4 ships involved in the war, though there are normally only 2. these wars can get way more aggressive than they sound, and people can get seriously hurt online just for not shipping the same thing as someone else.
person #1: saimatsu is the best ship in v3
person #2: no lol it's saiouma
person #1: lmao no fuck off saiouma is toxic and cringe
person #2: nahhh saimatsu is forced you homophobic bitch
person #1: the fuck did you just call me you fujoshi??
person #2: i'm not a fujoshi lmaoaoaoao,, i'm just not homophobic
*insert 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 years of arguing*
me asf: shipping wars am i right?¯\_(ツ)_/¯
by xiaovenforever August 5, 2022
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when someone wants a certain group of ppl to fuck off but they're tryna be polite about it (and most of the time it doesn't work because the group of ppl they wanna get rid of dc)
some ppl just say it because they wanna hate without the ppl who they're hating on knowing tho bc they're scared🥺🥺🥺
but queens/kings/no gender only swag peeps only say it bc they dont want some piece of shit to attack them for their tastes,, like antis lmao
person #1: *makes hinanami vid* hinanami antis dni
person #2: that's how you SHOULD use it
person #3: *makes komahina hate vid* komahina shippers dni
person #2: and that's the shitty way to use it
by xiaovenforever August 6, 2022
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someone who forces a ship they like on other people and hates on people who don't like it. most of the time, they're either horny little fucks or people who think their ship is canon. these people will purposefully find art/headcanons/fanfic for a ship they hate just to fuck everyone up in the comments. they are disgusting pieces of shit, and they ruin the fandom.
person #1: i really like komamiki... i think it's a great ship but you don't have to ship it, just wanted to let you guys know that they're an otp for me
person #2: omg i don't ship them but they're cute
person #3: ew no komamiki is toxic! komahina and band aid are canon!!1!!!!1!1!
person #1: i'm sorry i guess you're right
person #2: shut the fuck up, person #3 is a toxic shipper. don't listen to them
(btw i ship komahina and band aid don't attack me lol. i actually just think the stans are scary as fuck)
by xiaovenforever August 5, 2022
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