12 definitions by word makeruper

(noun): A delightful and exuberant state of happiness and cheerfulness. It encapsulates a feeling of joy that radiates positivity and uplifts the spirit, often accompanied by a sense of contentment and mirth.
"Upon receiving the unexpected news of her promotion, a sense of jovisp filled her heart, causing her to dance around the room with unrestrained glee."
by word makeruper August 4, 2023
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(noun): An inventive and playful term signifying a heightened state of excitement or enthusiasm, often marked by a quickened pulse, widened eyes, and a sense of anticipation. It encapsulates a spirited and lively feeling that may arise from various sources of inspiration or anticipation.
"As the curtains drew back to reveal the stunning stage setup, a collective zesturge filled the audience, eager to experience the upcoming performance."
by word makeruper August 4, 2023
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(noun): A whimsical and fictional term that represents a state of profound sadness or melancholy, often accompanied by a sense of introspection and emotional reflection. It embodies a deep, emotional experience that may lead to contemplation and self-discovery.
"After reading the poignant ending of the novel, a wave of bluflip washed over her, reminding her of the bittersweet beauty that can be found within the pages of a well-crafted story."
by word makeruper August 4, 2023
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(noun) A playful term denoting something extremely bad, terrible, or catastrophic. Used figuratively to emphasize a highly negative or disastrous situation or outcome.
"The project's failure was a glumplosion, causing the team to reevaluate their entire approach and start from scratch."
by word makeruper August 2, 2023
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(noun/adjective) A term used to express something that is good, enjoyable, or of high quality. Can also be used as an adjective to describe something positively.
"The party was a hit, and everyone loved the schmungus decorations and delicious treats."
by word makeruper August 2, 2023
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(adjective): An imaginative and playful term describing a state of being characterized by excessive silliness, talkativeness, and a tendency to engage in animated and lively conversations. It embodies a cheerful and light-hearted demeanor that may lead to laughter and camaraderie.
"Her loquititious nature always brightened up the room, turning even the most mundane gatherings into joyful and engaging occasions."
by word makeruper August 4, 2023
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(adjective) Referring to something that is average, unremarkable, or mediocre in quality or appeal. Often used to describe things that fall in between good and bad without standing out.
"The restaurant's new dish was mehlifizz at best, lacking the bold flavors I had hoped for."
by word makeruper August 2, 2023
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