3 definitions by ur mom is a gay fuck

a boy who dates many girls/guys so basically if he is dating one girl and that girl thinks that she is the only one he thinks about but he really flirts with other girls and maybe guys I guess
girl: bye babe love you šŸ˜

boy: bye šŸ™„ *goes to talk to another girl*
girl: he is such a player šŸ˜Ÿ
by ur mom is a gay fuck May 4, 2022
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Zoie is a nice, beautiful, caring girl and she is usually short. She thinks she is ugly but she is really pretty. She might cut herself once or twice but then she will stop. She the eldest and she fees left out. She is popular but she does not believe it, she gives great advice and would be a good therapist. She thinks she bad at math or another subject but gets 100% and above 80% on tests. She has lots and lots of friends but thinks she alone. Sometimes she might misunderstand things, or be clumsy. She might mess up on things but she is still smart. The reason why Iā€™m making this is bc my bff is named Zoie. And if your Zoie is like this your also lucky to have her
Me: Hey Zoie I love your outfit you have beautiful style!
Zoie: no I do not stop saying that Iā€™m so ugly!
by ur mom is a gay fuck May 4, 2022
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