2 definitions by tuesday loves you

a type of heroin found in north philadelphia and surrounding areas. it's very potent, and quite a few long time junkies have gotten almost as high off of it as their first time.
junkie: shit, i just slammed some black horse and i feel like a hot mess on prom night.
me: and you're loving it.
junkie: hell yeah.
by tuesday loves you May 30, 2010
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a type of heroin that is very prevalent in north philadelphia and surrounding areas. it used to be stamped 'the best'.
me: i like my moon dust because it's never cut with shit that makes you sick. well, at least not yet.
you: i know! you don't want to end up like black betty and vomiting your organs out accompanied by a trip to the ICU.
me: word.
by tuesday loves you May 30, 2010
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