3 definitions by tryna be cool™️

amazing guy who might not catch your attention at first, but definitely will with his heart-melting smile. super creative and talented. a man of culture who's into memes.
girl 1: i have a crush on michael!
girl 2: same! he's so cute! <3
by tryna be cool™️ November 12, 2020
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odelyn is a really cool and popular girl, but she is still super nice regardless.
person 1: hey, did you see odelyn?
person 2: yeah, she’s so cool!
by tryna be cool™️ November 30, 2018
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can also be called shell, shelli, or iva.
she’s cool and chill (unless you try to restrain her free spirit) generally, and usually brave, outgoing, and extroverted.
also, she’s definitely multi-talented! usually in creative fields, like art and music.
overall, she’s great.
by tryna be cool™️ December 1, 2018
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