37 definitions by trafton

The smiley that means winking while sticking one's tongue out; used when in jest. Common to #jj2 and the JJ2 community et al.
You are such of a fool. ;-P
by trafton September 8, 2003
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An amphibious water creature, and also the best thing ever. Frog.
by trafton September 13, 2003
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Short for "shut up", often used in a joking manner. Often used completely capitalized.
He asked me to SHUP when I was spamming.
by trafton March 9, 2003
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One of the earliest and arguably most successful examples of Internet democracy. The self-proclaimed "news for geeks" site (this can have a bad connotation for some, and a good one for others) features news that may have interest to Internet junkies. Unlike the dictatorship-like models that most web sites use, Slashdot is a functional democracy. The officials post news, and it is commented upon by users. However, some also believe that this use of democracy is also a bad thing. Slashdot is somewhat famous for its irrelevant and highly opinionated comments from members. Oftentimes, the information presented by said members is inaccurate and based on incorrect understanding. This has led to heated discussions as to whether or not Slashdot, is in fact, a viable democracy; however, thus far, it appears that the answer is for the most part "yes". It does, in fact, function as a democracy, as flame-ridden and questionable as its comments may be. Those who expect a site lacking boilerplate may be disappointed, but so far, no other Internet democracy has been as successfully active as Slashdot. While mumblings about more sites fashioned off it have been heard, most of such sites fail because they do not realize that democracy does not necessarily mean quality. It is a lesson that Slashdot teaches, however revolutionary it may be.
"Slashdot is a good example of Internet democracy and democracy in general. It reminds people that democracy is a lot more difficult than it may sound." -The Unwritten Book of Internetisms, 2001
by trafton October 25, 2003
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Short for wordJazz Jackrabbit 2/word.
by trafton September 12, 2003
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A day which just happens to be coming; the prescence of your coat is advised for this event. Information regarding the current status of your living in a biant bucket is also highly appreciated.
From the cartoon "Rejected" - perhaps the most genius line ever.
by trafton May 30, 2004
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