114 definitions by tomorrowtomorrow

The phenology that all truth can be expressed (retroactively) in terms of language even if language cannot lead to the truth.
In grammatology all truth can be expressed in terms of language if only in retrospect.
by tomorrowtomorrow January 9, 2019
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A metacoin in which an invoice becomes liquid capital if the creditee altruistically disburses the invoice to a third party.
In a metacurrency the invoice is the credit assuming the creditee is willing to dispense it to a third party.

The third party then becomes the sole proprietor of the liquidated capital.
by tomorrowtomorrow October 31, 2018
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A true subject-object fallacy.

A structure of verification.

A metastructure in which even when one is wrong one is right.
Kant created a structure of truth (epistemology) out of aesthetic itself. This had wide-ranging ramifications for aesthetic, will, and ethics. This occurred even though Kant used the term "aesthetic" to refer to form which was technically incorrect (aesthetic is contrapositive to form).

Marx also created an epistemology but his epistemology cannot answer Kant's epistemology because Marx created a structure of truth from form (formalism).
by tomorrowtomorrow November 14, 2018
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Self-similarity of space from which appearance emerges.
Space is co-imperatively self-similar. Thus appearance is self-space.

As an idea, space-appearance - - > space-similarity - - > self-spatiality.
by tomorrowtomorrow January 3, 2019
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A metaledger is a cryptoledger in which the recipient's blockchain address is the currency itself.
In interledgers (first-generation cryptocurrency etc.) bitcoin is sent to an interchain address. In a metaledger the recipient's address is the currency itself.
by tomorrowtomorrow October 30, 2018
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Hyperreality is design-centric skeuomorphic experience that exists in an increasingly fault-tolerant user experience in which objects are being deconstructed to their mimetic attributes. A tangible example of this is the touch-screen keypad replacing the flip phone keypad.

This has measurable impact on cultural consumers; who now define a product as an intersection between form and function (analogous to whole and sum-of-parts unity in modernism). Form-function unity induces a parallel revolution in material design and composition. (Even the term “material design” is an oxymoron in postmodernism.)

The increasing prevalence of skeuomorphs in disparate technological contexts and mediums means that culturally, the fake converges with the real in a hyperreality or augmented-reality-as-an-interface existence. This is evidenced by the rise of virtual reality, Google glass, Pokemon Go, virtual geo-cache incentivization, and most significantly, false social nodes (filter bubbles) created by online social networks that have an off-world impact.

Created by Rene Girard's theory of mimetics, Rene Baudrillard's Simulacra, and Kashif Vikaas's Theory of Hypermodernism.
McLuhan's argument that 'the media is the message' is the founding assumption of postmodern mass communication theory. Hyperreality creates instances in which the message (now the skeuomorph) becomes the medium.
by tomorrowtomorrow July 31, 2017
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