1 definition by tobeexpected

Sarahs are usually weird and confident yet every once in a while quiet. They are intelligent and always put a smile on people's faces. Sarah's are social and know everyone. Sarah's can sometimes be rude when they want to be but it's part of their personality. Sarah's are beautiful even is they don't believe so. They have many hidden talents and dream big. They are a spark of fun wherever they go. Sarah's have a great love for sugar, books, singing, sports and are mostly described as crazy. Sarah also known Sarai means princess. If you know a Sarah cherish them as you do your family because you are bound to Miss them if they leave. Sarah's mostly have a resting bitch face but don't let that stop you because they can be really nice when they know you. Sarah's tell the truth and are hardworking sometimes with too much that they stress themselves out. Sarah's have good skin and are a joy to be around. Sarah's are always hungry but always there when you need them.
Your such a Sarah

It's Sarah with a h
Crazy Sarah
by tobeexpected November 5, 2016
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