10 definitions by themagichat

To drink excessively enough to have crazy fun, like hyphy. It can be with any type of alcohol, and usually ends in playing sick games.
'you get your isht done so we can throwdown for E's burfday tonite?' -Shep
'ya know it, brohan, I already got my 12-er for later' -Awesome
by themagichat April 18, 2007
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The level of how intoxicated (increasing or decreasing) one person is through a night. (usually following a certain number of actual buttons deep) As the person (male or female) becomes more intoxicated and comfortable, more shirt buttons are undone. Either to show cleavage or chest hair, the drinking person might think makes them look more appealing. Good for use in present or past tense.
"Look at E over there...she's 3 buttons deep!"
"Ya she's felling the effects of the booze."

"Man you were trashed last night!"
"Yeah I know, I was 5 buttons deep."
by themagichat September 25, 2007
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Phrase that can be used to describe someone that is definitely flamboyant, gay. Watching this person is like opening a yogurt and having all the fruit stare you in the eye, already exposed and there are no questions about its contents.
Did you see the kid that walked by earlier?


The one wearing a scarf and tight leather pants when its 85 outside?

Yeah, that was a 'fruit on the top' and at such a young age too.

by themagichat August 20, 2008
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