15 definitions by thecanadianninja

an app that should be burned in hell and band and should be baned for copying vine.
tiktok is a big fat piece of shit.
by thecanadianninja September 9, 2019
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The last battle of ww2 included on the allies side amarican, French (where prisoners of war )soldiers and some nazi defectors and some German deserters. On the axis where the nazi SS shock troops and loyalist . The battle what's when some amarican soldiers disobey orders to stay put and assault a German fort only to find German traitors and French soldiers who where liberated by the Germans who betrayed hitters orders and when they got in there the battle started. This was the only battle of ww2 that enemy traitors helped the allies and the only battle where Germans soldiers, nazi defectors,amarican and French soldiers worked together they managed to hold the fort until the Americans pissed off general arrived and was shocked by how they managed to defend the Fort.
by thecanadianninja December 20, 2018
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Coca-Cola and Pepsi is owned by the same company and how I learned this is if you look on the Sid of a Pepsi can it says pepsicola but guess what it also is on the back of Coca-Cola cans.
That is how I know this is Coca-Cola and Pepsi darkest secret
by thecanadianninja January 15, 2019
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Is a town In the USA and not hellos place to be
Hey hell is in the us
by thecanadianninja May 31, 2018
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