3 definitions by the quirkiest

national cut a bitch day. this is the only day of the year that it is acceptable to cut fake bitches out of your life and they can’t say shit about it.
person 1: hey bitch i’m dropping you sorry
person 2: why so suddenly?
person 1: it’s march 13th
person 2: oh my bad i forgot
by the quirkiest January 28, 2020
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For dumbasses named Liam that don’t know how to spell.
Friend: Whatever you say cheif.
The smart one: you mean chief stoopid
by the quirkiest June 8, 2019
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a dumbass boomer wannabe that uses too much punctuation when he texts
Noah: Gosh, no need to get bent out of shape
Everyone else: shut up boomer
by the quirkiest October 19, 2019
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