2 definitions by the lol frog weeeyyyy

Jassy is a boy that can steal your heart / have a huge crush and possible make you fall in love too. (😱) He’s very smart, and is good in everything. He might have a hard time talking to girls (unless you talk to him first :) needs an icebreaker!)

Jassy is cute and smart and legit has the best of everyone. I want to be friends with him!
A "wow who in the world got 100% on the final exam??? like are you kidding me?"
B "Its Jassy bla bla bla"
by the lol frog weeeyyyy May 11, 2023
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This is the same as "Hello". It's used the same as well. This is a French word, but you can use it as if it's an English greeting! The direct English translation is "good day".
You pronounce it like: bone-joo-h
Bonjour! How's your new trick going?
by the lol frog weeeyyyy March 2, 2022
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