16 definitions by the dirty liberal

A word used to refer to many different japanese cartoons. Often worshipped by teenagers who really need to grow up and quit watching their stupid cartoons. Additionally, some of the terms are used for perverted inside jokes that aren't funny and that nobody understands. Not quite as annoying as disney, but it's a close second.
Girl 1: Oh my god! I love anime! It's my life!

Girl 2: Hey, I've got an idea. Let's go get some boys and (insert japanese phrase here)!

Girl 1: (giggles) you're dirty. (looks over at boy) Hey, you care to (insert japanese phrase here)?

Boy: No thanks. I think I'm gay now.

Girl 1: Then you would probably like (insert japanese cartoon name here)!
by the dirty liberal July 13, 2009
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The act of making something so safe and kid-friendly that it becomes boring and unattractive.
I can't believe it. There's all sorts of disnification going on all over this theme park. Well, at least they'll get a lot of money from disney parents now.
by the dirty liberal August 1, 2009
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