20 definitions by the commodore

Pausing an Xbox or PS2 game because your significant other wants to chat.
She said, 'We need to talk,' so I hit the girlfriend button and took a timeout from Madden.
by the commodore August 27, 2008
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The drink that pushes you over the edge from tipsy-but-in-control to you're-screwed-tomorrow.
I figured, 'What harm could one more Stella do?' Turned out it was my pint of no return.
by the commodore August 27, 2008
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A person who is particularly deft at tracking down and helping acquire illicit, substances, especially marijuana. Note: He's not a drug dealer, but rather makes the connection between buyer and seller.
I ran out of weed on Friday night, but this bud hound I know came through in a pinch.
by the commodore August 27, 2008
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The suspicion that your girlfriend isn't really having her period and just wants an excuse to be a bitch.
I could have sworn she just had her period last week. She's playing rag tag, man.
by the commodore August 27, 2008
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A tits-to-toenails full-body hug that lingers a bit too long,hinting at latent sexual attraction, extreme perversion, or some combination of the two.
Ugh, I just got the slow roast from Father O'Malley.


We talked all night, and she seemed into me, so i slow-raosted Bart's mom.
by the commodore June 22, 2007
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(sweater over fat ass)
Article of clothing a woman ties around her waist to conceal her corpulent buttocks.
I thought she was fly until she took off her S.O.F.A. when she got hot.
by the commodore August 27, 2008
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