66 definitions by the comand'r

Barney whooped Danny last night in pickleball, which was no surprise, so he yelled ‘winner, winner, chicken dinner! and then taunted Danny with a finger point and a call of “loser loser drunken boozer” although Danny was stone sober, as he was observing Dry October, so clearly he just is not a great pickleball player, as Barney had at least three submarine shots
by the comand'r October 16, 2022
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A key move used by savvy drinkers where you have about one quarter of your cocktail left as you approach the bartender for your next, as not to go bone dry. Similar to the DJ crossfade smooth transition from one song to the next by turning the volume down on the first song as it ends and up on the new song as it begins.
Barney: Eric got toasted last night

Pablo: Ya, it was his birthday and he was full on with the crossfade cocktail. Never had an empty. Melissa kept Drew happy to with a stay-cup. It was a great party that resulted in no target vomiting.
by the comand'r October 22, 2022
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The term used to identify mixed gender educational facilities in the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 turns co-ed to co-V-ed.
Jill: Kat’s going back to college in August and the dorms are open.

Paige: Really?

Jill: Ya, she’s attending a CO-v-ED university. Back to school Fall 2020.

Paige: Make sure she remains COVIDgilent.
by the comand'r June 21, 2020
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A topper shot on a cocktail that floats on the top of the cocktail, aka a floater. As an extra kick to the drink
Adam: Hey bartender, give me a bushwhacker with a floater shot for a kick.

Bartender: One bushwhacker with a floater, coming up!
by the comand'r October 29, 2021
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To be in favor of the new Omicron Covid variant spiking as a means to remain working remotely and not needing to go in to work, e.g. pro-omicron
Dan: Oddly, Chris appeared to be happy to hear about the spread of the new Covid-19 variant. I was under the impression that his wife Molly was covidgilent and he would be concerned about the new spread.

Tom: Nah, Chris retires in March 2022, so with the spike of the new variant, office shut down remains in effect and he's looking to finish out his last 2 years of his career in his pajamas. Chris it totally promicron.
by the comand'r December 21, 2021
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What comes out of you the morning after eating a whole lot of cheese. Also known as a fondump.
Dude, I went to this wine and cheese party last night and ate so much cheese that I blew out a fonduece this morning. It was sloppy!
by the comand'r October 5, 2013
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