66 definitions by the comand'r

A cough or sneeze in Spring of 2020
Paige: Sneeze Achoo!

Kate: You sick?

Paige: No, just allergies

Kate: You sure you don't got a touch of the rona? I do not see you being COVIDgilent in your day-to-day.
by the comand'r April 2, 2020
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Lederhosen on a really short dude. Shorts/pants = Shants. Lederhosen/shants = Ledershants.
Herbie is so short, that when he went to Oktoberfest and wore his Lederhosen, they came off as Ledershants.
by the comand'r September 21, 2018
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A condition exhibited by hypochondriacs, especially during the Ebola scare of 2014.
Karen is such a hypochondriac and is so self centered that she is complaining about every little thing that could be remotely affiliated to the Ebola scare. I'd say she has a case of Mebola. She went to the bowling lanes and is now complaining that she may have come down with Ebowela and that is not even a real disease.
by the comand'r October 31, 2014
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What you get the morning after tangling with a Carolina Reaper pepper, the burning sensation of taking the dump to get it out of your body.
Ted really went after it when he ordered 10 Carolina Reaper chicken wings last night. He powered through 6 and then tapped out, though he took the remaining four to-go and finished them later in the eve. The next morning he got the early morning reaper reminder and remained skittish about his PMBM that was coming later that day. The whole experience gave new meaning to heat seat.
by the comand'r February 4, 2021
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Someone who regularly references where they have been in an effort to make them sound important. Similar to a name dropper, but uses places instead of names.
I just had lunch with Shannon - she is such a location dropper. We were just catching up on the past and she could not help but to continue to subtly brag about all the travel she has done. While at lunch she found it necessary to tell me that her baguette was nothing like the ones she had in Paris last month, her wine tasted nothing like the wine in Tuscany that she had last week and the service could not hold a candle to the Ritz, where she is returning to next month.
by the comand'r October 17, 2013
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big ass bottle of wine (abbrev.)
Amy: Let’s open this 5 liter bottle of wine. It’s my birthday! What’s the name of this size bottle?

Barney: I think is a Jerabome or a Balthazar. I cannot recall. Either way, it’s a big ass bottle of wine.

Amy: That’s it then. It’s a babow.

Barney: Happy birthday Amy, we love you!
by the comand'r July 4, 2022
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Similar to taking a knife to a gun fight, but typically executed by a totally paranoid, uninformed idiot. Frankly, anyone with a brain would not take a knife to a gun fight; they just would not go to a gunfight.
Woody: where’s Herb?
Spencer: he got detained at security

Woody: detained at a Chargers game? Was he busted for smuggling booze?
Spencer: no, my dad is concerned about terrorists blowing up big crowds, so he always packs a taser that he bought off QVC
Woody: ah, taking a taser to a bomb site. What an idiot.
by the comand'r February 23, 2018
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