2 definitions by the T in TAKK

a purple drink that black people have with their meals
it can be in the form of kool-aid, caprisun, welcha's, or just squized grapes,

it to be said in a weird way with the back of your throth to where it will sound like
grrraape driiink
(just during a random moment)
one of the mebers of TAKK-grrraape driiink
then the rest of us-grrraape driiink!
then others saying it-grape drink
then us- no, grrraape driiink

go get me some grape drink bitch
i need me my grape drink
i done did runded me outa some grape drink
you best be getiin me some grape drink if you dont wanna whoopin

by the T in TAKK July 23, 2008
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a purple drink that black people have with their meals
it can be in the form of kool-aid, caprisun, welcha's, or just squized grapes,

it to be said in a weird way with the back of your throth to where it will sound like
grrraape driiink
(just during a random moment)
one of the mebers of TAKK-grrraape driiink
then the rest of us-grrraape driiink!
then others saying it-grape drink
then us- no grrraape driiink
by the T in TAKK July 23, 2008
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