76 definitions by tenacious faulker

1) A pejorative for a human test subject.
2) A person being controlled or observed by another as in a psychology experiment involving rats.
3) Someone, of low IQ or awareness, having trouble with an easy task or decision.
Hippy: There is no more privacy, man! You being online just gives Big Data everything they need to watch your every move!

Yuppy: You meant Big Brother, right?

Hippy: No, man. Big Brother would just take what he wanted, Big Data makes you WANT to give them what they want through slick technology. You're a rat in a maze, man! Don't you see?!

Yuppy: You're crazy! I have GOT to post this discussion on Facebook and Twitter. Let me take your picture with my camera phone for all my friends to see! But first let me finish ordering my Viagra online.
by tenacious faulker December 6, 2012
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(Tuna Can Label)
(1) This product may contain up to 5% dolphin meat as we couldn't be bothered to separate the mammals from the fish. (2) There is no justidiction governing the meat on inadvertently caught dolphins so just suck it bitches. (3) Also

this product may contain 7mg of mercury which is about 20% the RDA of heavy metal intake.
by tenacious faulker May 9, 2009
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A business term used to describe how a free-market economy balances itself after extreme events run their course like a rising stocks after a recession or the real estate bubble burst. The word crossed over into everyday use to similarly describe when one's fortune or luck changes, for bad or good, changing the course of daily life.
Bob: Last summer I was was nailing babes left and right. Now that I'm back at college...nothing!

Pete: Ah, well, you're not that attractive or interesting. You just had a lucky streak. You were due for a market correction. Consider yourself forntunate if any girl even talks to you, bro!

Pete: I was just promoted at work! I've been wasting my talents there for WEEKS, but the VP just quit and they promoted me to replace him. Guess I was due for a market correction, huh? How's the girl situation, Bob?

Bob: I hate you.
by tenacious faulker August 20, 2009
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Basically your average white chick; not remarkabley attractive, not hideous either, and a bit on the thin side; as in the Nilla Wafer cookie. Used sometimes by black folks to describe a white chick or their girlfriends.
D'wayne's got hiself a cute lil' nilla waifer to buy him some shit!

Tina Fey and Paris Hilton are Morgan and Nicole Ritchie nilla waifers.
by tenacious faulker May 1, 2009
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1) Donald Trump's hairstyle. 2) Any awkward looking hair style or hairline that defies logic and or good taste.
Bill: Damn! You get a new "do"?

Tom: Yep. You think chicks will dig it?

Bill: Not with that Trumpadour you got going there.
by tenacious faulker March 17, 2011
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Modern day version of Big Brother. Online searches, store purchases, Facebook posts, Tweets or Foursquare check-ins, cell phone usage, etc. is creating a flood of data that, when organized and categorized and analyzed, reveals trends and habits about ourselves and society at large.

Search engines and marketing companies have gathered and sorted 90% of all information on our habits ever created by our species in just the past 2 years and 10% of all photographs taken in the history of cameras and videos where taken in 2011 all from the electronic devices which we are either unable or unwilling to live without.
Girl: Hey did you see those crazy photos I posted on Facebook? Sexy, right?

Boy: No.

Girl: No? I tweeted them and sexted them to you too.

Boy: I'm trying to stay off the grid.

Girl: What on Earth for?!

Boy: Because Big Data is watching, that's why, and I don't I don't want the government knowing my business!

Girl: You're weird.

Boy: And you're just another rat in the maze.
by tenacious faulker December 6, 2012
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Baltimore colloquialism referencing where one has gone or is going on their vacation; "down at the ocean", or rather, Ocean City, Maryland; the traditional getaway for Marylanders, particularly Baltimoreans.
Glenn: Oi, Cheryl! Wher'dja go wit Bernie for MemOriole Day weeken'?

Cheryl: Downdy ocean, hon. We ate crabs, drank shom' Natty Boh, an' cruish'd the circuit in his '82 Firebird. Dat thingk wash sooo fast. It wash aweshom'!
by tenacious faulker May 26, 2009
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