1 definition by teh symphonicreverbz

Sloth Day. The day everything and everyone moves slower due to heavy gravitational pull. This vision of a day to come in the near future was originally conceived back in January of 2007 by the famous "SuperSloth"

"...and in my dream weird shit started to happen, like the earth's gravitational force increased and it became very hard to move around and lift things. this only happened when going outside, normal gravity was felt inside buildings. This is very important."
But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. For there shall come a day, when all men of lesser strength shall perish, a day when the gravitational force will increase, but only outside buildings, the day of Sloth Day.
by teh symphonicreverbz January 16, 2007
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