3 definitions by tee too

A special kind of idiot who uses labels as a substitute for comprehension.
Person 1: "If you don't watch sports, you're a racist."

Person 2: "You're a labelass."
by tee too March 29, 2011
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One who takes pleasure in furiously debating viewpoints that only exist in the imagination.
Person 1: "It's clear from your statement about this year's corn crop that you deny the Holocaust."

Person 2: "What do you do with the other hand, masturdebator?"
by tee too March 29, 2011
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A special kind of idiot who believes that all people who hold a different view from oneself have the same views as each other.
Binarian: a person who believes there are only two viewpoints for every topic
by tee too March 29, 2011
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