11 definitions by strongbad

The text editor with which the Angels in Heaven code C.

It is small, fast, and has hundreds of time-saving features. Best of all, it doesn't ship with an annoying paper-clip that tries to tell you what to do.

vi has a steep learning curve that keeps MS using morons far away, but there is a Wintel port so that true Geeks can feel at home if the must be on an M$ box.
MS Word? Notepad? What are those? I only have time to vi.
by strongbad March 9, 2005
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little pieces of trash that get on your nerves; crumbs
Man, go sweep that frust up of the floor.
by strongbad April 3, 2003
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A complete and utter moron. One who is stupid. Often one so stupid, they are compared to human feces.
by strongbad February 10, 2003
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