10 definitions by shoggoth

A tla sprayed on walls by neds to express their animosity toward the authorities. Sometimes extended to F T Polis. In Protestant areas can also signify a lack of respect for the leader of the Catholic church.
by shoggoth August 11, 2003
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A volume of arcane and occult knowledge featured in the horror stories of H P Lovecraft. Though he made reference to some genuine texts, the "unmentionable Necronomicon of the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred" was entirely his invention. Throughout the Fifties and Sixties his books gained such a following among college students that numerous hoax versions were produced, drawing heavily on his own Cthulhu fiction and the writings of Aleister Crowley.
"You've got a Necronomicon? Woo, I'm impressed. *opens it* You'll notice that turning this diagram upside-down actually displays the Arabic for PROFESSOR CARLING BLOWS GOATS."
by shoggoth August 11, 2003
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1. Simple computer program used to perform highly repetitive operations, e.g. trawling websites to collect email addresses.

2. Computer program run concurrently with an online game to give the player an unfair advantage. Bots may alter the game environment, boost the abilities of the player's character or hinder opponents. Writing bots requires a great deal of skill; using them almost none.
"So you're using an aimbot... and he's using an aimbot... if you're both going to cheat, why bother to play?"
"Just to show that I cheat better than him."
by shoggoth August 11, 2003
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