4 definitions by seviccs

I big fat black monkey who loves to vape and play fortnite. They typically weight more than 200 pounds and are usually black and it’s impossible to see them in the dark.
YO that’s my homie jay.
by seviccs July 27, 2021
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A typical beaner who always has to leave during fortnite tournaments. Has to go to a party of some sort 24/7. Is a closeted homosexual and has no bitches. Plays OSU and has arthritis in his hands.
Yo is that YouTubeTaleq?
by seviccs July 27, 2021
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A dying game that gets boring after 20 minutes of playing it. Somehow makes you mature 10+ years in 5 minutes. Garbage ass game that garbage people play. This game is full of racist crackers who enjoy calling me nigge*. This game is enjoyable when you booted offline and get in a jackets game. The servers are amazing lagging out sometimes but overall 10/10 game.
Logan: Wanna play call of duty?
Andrew: fuck nah nigga I’m playing fortnite
by seviccs July 27, 2021
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