10 definitions by seudokode

An enormous pile of mammalian feces.
John: Watch out for the S.T.P. there.
Frank: S.T.P., what?
John: There's an enormous fresh Steaming Trump Pile, step carefully. It's a Trump dump.
by seudokode October 11, 2021
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Bullying, especially of someone who is weaker, disabled, elderly, of mixed race or ethnic background.
"Don's a real trumping jerk of a boss. He posted Louise on the conveyor belt to load trucks after she came back from recovery for her hip replacement. He joked that she should be thankful that he was testing the bionic woman's durability."
by seudokode January 9, 2019
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1) Suppressing the reporting of sexual indiscretions through bribery or extortion to further career advancement.

2) Committing a felony to hide evidence of a misdemeanor.
Did you hear that Ronald was arrested? He was caught Trumpin' Uglies. Apparently he tried to bribe the guard that caught him in flagrante delicto with his secretary in the bathroom.
by seudokode January 19, 2019
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