14 definitions by sdhkdashvfnhsabfc

Manchester is a medium-sized city in the north-west of England, a part of Greater Manchester, as of 2021, the city had around 500,000 inhabitants.

Manchester is well-known for it's two football clubs, Manchester United and Manchester City, who both play in the English Premier League as of the 2022/2023 season.

Manchester is also known for it's outstanding architecture, ranging from Victorian to modern architecture, the use of red bricks is commonly associated with Manchester, as most of the Victorian buildings are built with this material.

The city is known as "Cottonopolis", this due to the city having been a major contestant within the cotton industry during the industrial revolution, being a vital part of the British textile industry.

Moving on towards geography, the Mersey River flows through southern Manchester. Home to the Manchester canal, which links the city to the Irish sea. Other notable rivers are Irwell, Medlock and Irk, which all aswell flow through the city. Manchester is aswell a rather flat city, which is why it is where it is today.

For the purpose of statistics, Manchester forms the largest populated district within the Greater Manchester area.

A person from Manchester is referred to as a Mancunian.
Mancunian: Hey Fredrick, wanna check out my home town, Manchester?

Fredrick: sorry bruv, I'm busy eating shepherd's pie in Kensington.
by sdhkdashvfnhsabfc October 28, 2022
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an arab from roblox world conquest, converted a jew to islam once!

an absolute mad lad if you ask me!
QuickTwixx, amazing food.
by sdhkdashvfnhsabfc August 24, 2021
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plural of nuke my asshole
aww man, please nuke my asshole
by sdhkdashvfnhsabfc August 26, 2021
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a district in northern london

home to yet another banter football club, whom they also hate.

yikes, tottenham lost again.
by sdhkdashvfnhsabfc October 31, 2022
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this guys a fucking dumbass

boi he a kurdish sackass #sackjohn
by sdhkdashvfnhsabfc August 27, 2021
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