1 definition by sandy clacka

Farts are unpredictable...my best fart was when i was a youngen..i was walking up a set of stairs at uni... being the first day and all i didn't wish to be late and a few paces behind me was another fella...the night before i was out on the turps big time and had, had a curry on the way home...just for good messure...every step i took up the stairs (3 floors in total) a small but foul smelling fart errupted..i quickened my pace to leave it behind (it stunk that bad)...but alas so to did the bloke behind me only to be greeted time and again by another one...i reached the door on my floor and ploughed on through.. absolutely pissing myself with laughter...took my seat at the front of the lecture room...out walked the professor and glared straight at me ...yep the same guy behind me on the stairs...i stood up shrugged my shoulders and fucked off back to pub...my best fart ever!
common responces when your best mates just farted

"speak up caller your almost through"
"don't worry sir ..we'll find you"
"now you've ripped them you'll have to buy them"
by sandy clacka November 23, 2009
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