252 definitions by sandrashine

A synthetic political theory that unites Jacob Lieb Talmon's messianic democracy and Frank Meyer's fusionism.

In messianic fusionism a Protestant messiah unites social-labor (modern monetary) theory into blockchain currency, ushers postmodernism beyond hyper-media into the era of metamodernism, and delineates a meta-specific relationship between a new paradigm called Emergence and Hinduism and Christianity.

Synthetic messianism.
In messianic fusionism a Protestant counter-Christ appears in lieu of the anti-Christ.
by sandrashine August 26, 2018
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A synchrony in which formalism and representation are continuous ie. "is-is-is" collapses to 'is' or the "ohm."

A continuity of being and having.

A frame in which self-cyclicality achieves linearity (continuity) and value IS meta-value and meta-value is value rendering the semantics of "state" untenable.
In a tautology "is" is 'is' (and 'is' is "is").
by sandrashine August 7, 2018
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A fallacy that is meaningful irrespective of the truthiness of subjectivity's premises because the subjective precedes the objective on the line of time.

A fallacy that must be treated as meaningful and therefore real because the subjective vector universally points toward truth whereas the object-vector does so exclusively specifically.
A true fallacy is true regardless of its premises ie. meaning CREATES reality a la Kant.
by sandrashine July 31, 2018
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Fundamentalism including religious fundamentalism is a paradigm in which mediums are viewed as objects (experiences).

This leads to a dogma known as structuralism or rationalism.

Fundamentalism is in extreme conflict with subjectivity which posits that experiences or objects are themselves mediums.
Fundamentalism posits that mediums are experiences by religiously sanctioning certain media and its inherent content.

Subjectivity argues that this sanction or censorship is arbitrary and intersubjective.
by sandrashine September 15, 2018
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An elected system of representation in which the populace is governed by civil servants who are responsible solely to safeguard state institutions and representatives who safeguard the integrity of the vote itself.

A duality of totalitarian democracy and democratic confederalism.
Metocracy treats the will of the people and the desire of the people as distinct entities: dualistic and therefore contrapositional.
by sandrashine June 19, 2018
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Aesthetic in which industrial characteristics define electronic interfaces
Sega's arcade games contain generous motifs of electro-industrialism
by sandrashine May 31, 2017
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The tension between will and power.

The tension between language and aesthetic.

The tension between past and future.

The tension between linear time and cyclical time.

Futurekampf has a contrapositive orientation with respect to kulturkampf.
Futurekampf is the contrapositive struggle of history to convert linguistic sense to aesthetic desire.
by sandrashine June 24, 2018
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