128 definitions by rick

guy to girl: "Let me buy you another tequila." translation: "I want to fuck your brains out tonight!"
by rick August 8, 2003
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Sales Wearables and Gifts
Giveaway T-shirts with company logos, pens with logos, shirts with names of rock groups
by rick September 8, 2003
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The vector description of maximum reachable gayhood/ness which is in exceedable by any amount of gayhood/gayneess whatsoever.
Gay Max is also a variable or variant, ppl can commit acts of gayness/hood and b called gay max for displaying extreme gayhood/ness with such acts, but others may commit less or more gay acts but still b called gay max, because infact, they hit the gay max limit at the given time.
(Note:- As with all variables, two ppl cant b called gay max at the same time, unless they done the same exact thing)
syvoran , jus look at how gay this gay is, They dont get Gayer than this, he's GAY MAX
by rick December 13, 2003
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Shrimp farts... Farts you get after having sushi
Boy... that sushi gave me the shrumps!
by rick January 26, 2005
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