9 definitions by rethinker

Noun 'boi 'bab-uhl Life is so exhilarating — there's so much to talk about! Some young guys don't know when to quit. Anytime, any situation, almost giddy about becoming an adult, learning stuff, showin' it off. A conversation-dominator who all seldom asks somebody else's opinion. Their chatter batteries could power a Tesla for a month. Sadly, it's a thing. Wears down, hopefully off with age.
{After a 10 minute oration, finally...
Boy: Oh! and wait till you hear about my flight home."
Adult 1: Gotta go.

Turns to Adult 2}
Adult 1: Boy babble.
Exits camera left
Boy: Took forever just to get to the airport... (etc. ad nauseum)
by rethinker December 24, 2019
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Chemo chi is an Asian tern describing a feeling of overwhelming bliss when engaged in deep sensual and/or sexual activity while under the the influence of certain drugs. The net effect is due to a generous flowing of the positive life force "chi" through the body, mind and psyche. Westerners usually describe it as a powerful dopamine reaction in the brain caused by certain substances/
Deep in erotic sensations Ah, chemo chi! Go on, lose yourself in this infinite moment of pleasure.
by rethinker October 19, 2020
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