8 definitions by repoed2

Suburb of Houston, Tx.

see Disturbia

Quite possibly the strangest place on earth. Full of slutty teenage girls and immature fratboys-in-training, who have been raised by their soccer mom type parents to think that the world can't go on without their presence. Kingwood is also made up of kids who have convinced themselves that they're hard-ass-thugs and that Kingwood is a ghetto just because they smoke weed during off-season football and listen to "Hardcore-Rap" (Nelly and Bow Wow) on their way to Tennis Practice.

Weed, drugs, sex, and self-mutilation are all too common in Kingwood-everyone knows how prominent they are, but god forbid you talk about it.

Seldom people in Kingwood have any sense of individual style. The majority are Abercrombie Poster-Models and Scene kids who think they're being original and unique by dressing like 100,000 other people

While the people in surrounding towns see Kingwood as snobby and rich, very few people in Kingwood actually make more then $100,000 a year.

The people of Kingwood think they're rich because they sold their house in California or Arizona for more then it was worth, bought a house in Kingwood for a cheap price, bought a boat they never use, and got a job at Administaff.

There isn't much to do in Kingwood. Unless you enjoy walking your dog or hanging out at CVS, you're screwed unless you have a car and can drive to Humble.

Despite the fact that it resembles a crackhead-version of The Stepford Wives, Kingwood has it's upsides. There's actually some pretty cool people here (who also realize that Kingwood is a lie).

Life in Kingwood seems endless at times, but it can seem easier if you remind yourself that one day you'll escape and venture into the real world-leaving behind people like Bryce, Matt, Ashley, and Emily who were above-all in high school, but will end up working in a cubicle after they pay their way through college.

kingwood is not a good place-it's full of lies, hate, racism, backstabbing, boredom, and soccer moms-but it's surviveable.
Kingwood is like a ditch-it's hard to get out of, but it's possible-whether you want to or not is a different story
by repoed2 January 13, 2009
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