1 definition by real raw girl

Teaja is a caring girl who loves to help others, once you meet her your automatically drawn to her. She has curly hair and green eyes. she’s shaped like a coke bottle. She always wants the best for everyone else and always puts her self last. She’s motivated and wants to succeed in life She's inanely hilarious, slightly self conscious though. She has slightly severe social anxiety. She has a lot of friends but isn’t that known. she’s only like 5’4 and very light skin. She’s not the type of girl you can just forget about because she’ll always pop back up in your head. All she does is listen to music to drown out her issues
person 1-“yo you seen that new girl? she’s bad “
person 2-“ Yeah that’s just teaja, she’s really chill
by real raw girl October 16, 2019
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