1 definition by pseudōnymos anne

Fangirl is one who obsesses over celebrities, fictional characters, et cetera. These delicate creatures can also be known as ‘Otakus’, but typically an otaku is one who spends all day inside, alone, and watching anime. You could very easily say that a very large proportion of tumblr users are, in fact, fangirls.

However, fangirl isn’t just a name; it’s also and action. For example, you could say you ‘fangirled’ over something, meaning you had a moment in which you probably squealed like a pterodactyl over something/someone.

Fangirls are VERY sensitive about their OTP’s, so be careful what you say in front of them...
Tina: I LOVE Tom Hiddleston SOOO much!
Lucy: You are such a fangirl...
by pseudōnymos anne June 24, 2014
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