1 definition by popity poppers

While Genghis Khan did good things for eurasia, he cannot be considered a hero. Anyone who considers Genghis Kahn a hero doesn't fully grasp his heinous acts. Genghis Kahn was a ruthless warlord who committed terrible acts during his unification of Eurasia.

Genghis Khan during his conquest, wreaked havoc upon all of Eurasia. He slaughtered thousands of innocent people and burned down villages. By the end of his conquest, ten percent of the world's population was dead. Not only this, but he enjoyed it. Genghis Khan got kicks out of slaughtering people and laying waste upon the land. He also raped women and gained satisfaction for it. So he's a slaughterer, and a rapist.

He did good things for asia. After his conquest, Asia flourished underneath his rule. He can be called a good leader. However a ruthless barbarian like him cannot be called a hero.

Also he might have died by falling off his horse. -_-
“The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.”

― Genghis Khan
by popity poppers November 29, 2016
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