1 definition by pocket-sized panda<3

A hopeless romantic, in my opinion, is a person who day-dreams of things that might happen with a person they have a crush on. As soon as something somewhat "romantic" happens, they start to picture everything their mind can come up with that will happen afterwards. They believe anything romantic can happen any second. It's not necessarily them looking for their soul-mate or someone they are gonna spend the rest of their lives with. It's just them experiencing very very movie/book like romance.
Ok. Lets say the person you like sends you a message, or gives you a letter that says "can i ask you something?" or "Answer honestly, please." Before you even read it, in your mind you are already imagining him/her asking you what they think of them and if you would go out with them. It's all in your mind of every love scenario you can think of! all this before you even OPEN or READ the letter/message. You get what i mean? you're just a hopeless romantic.
by pocket-sized panda<3 April 8, 2009
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