25 definitions by penisshakes

The english transliteration of ロールキャベツ系男子.

It means someone who appears as a herbivore (sweet, innocent) but is actually a carnivore (confident) inside.
"That cute guy I was talking to said he works at a BDSM club. I would never have expected that from him."

"Wow. He sounds like a cabbage roll man."
by penisshakes March 29, 2022
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LBH (noun) Stands for Losers Back Home. This is a term used for white men who move to Japan and are seen as impressive by Japanese people.
"Chris-san is so cool! He can crush a beercan with his bicep and he knows all the words to One Punch Man!"

"Something gives me the impression he's a LBH."
by penisshakes March 18, 2021
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When you do something just to be an asshole or for the pettiness of it.
"My bf broke up with me so I put his number in every men's toilets I go in."


"For the shit of it."
by penisshakes November 3, 2021
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Male Attention Seeker (Noun) Someone who craves specifically male attention. This is usually due to daddy issues. People suffering from MASD (Male Attention Seeking Disorder) will often view their own personality and beliefs as transitory and insignificant as they traverse the world seeking validation.
"My friend Amy was a communist. Then she started talking to this dude from reddit, now all she says is that women should stay at home and cook. That girl's a major MAS (Male Attention Seeker).
by penisshakes March 18, 2021
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