1 definition by onki phosbat

The "Boss Baby Principle" states that if someone with significantly limited pop culture knowledge is exposed to influential media, they will compare said media to the closest thing they have previously consumed.

The name of the principle is in reference to a hypothetical scenario in which an individual, likely a young child, has only watched one movie in their life: the hit 2017 DreamWorks Animation "The Boss Baby." If this person was to watch any other movie, regardless of how similar or drastically different it is to the computer-animated comedy film starring Alec Baldwin, they would necessarily find similarities between it and "The Boss Baby."

"The Boss Baby" is used as an example because of its use of extremely common thematic tropes and because it is a film targeted at young, pop culture illiterate children. The average Boss Baby fan may see common film tropes (third act breakup, road trip, sibling dynamics, etc.) in other films and assume that the filmmakers were inspired by "The Boss Baby."
Leonardo DiCaprio's cocky entrepreneur character in The Wolf of Wall Street is a pretty blatant ripoff of Theodore “Ted” Templeton Jr. from the Boss Baby if you ask me.

Just got done watching The Matrix. Great film, gives me a lot of Boss Baby vibes.
by onki phosbat March 14, 2023
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