79 definitions by od smith

A, frankly, boring drug that you have to snort in enormous amounts to get into a k hole, but more often than not you'll sneeze after a couple of nostrils full and revert back to normal, feeling ripped off.

Besides, who the hell first thought that it would be a good idea to snort animal tranquilisers in the first place?!? There's a place for special k, and it's Battersea Dogs' Home.
I think we need to take Lassie to the vet.
I think we need to get monged at the vet.
I think we should let Lassie get monged at the vet.
by od smith March 10, 2005
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Proof that even Chris Morris can write a pile of crap.
How did the genius behind The Day Today and Brass Eye come up with unwatchable catshite like Nathan Barley?
by od smith March 10, 2005
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The cover to 50 Cent's "The Massacre" CD.
"My word, that Fiddy Scent looks all man in that unintentionally homoerotic picture."
by od smith March 30, 2005
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The simplistic logic system of Bush supporters and other morons - apparently you have to trust him because he's President (even though 49% of the US population didn't vote for him), and anyone who criticises America is either jealous of their greatness, embittered French people who surrender all too easily, or a member of the global al-Qu'eda network.
"America: If you don't like it, LEAVE!!!"
by od smith March 23, 2005
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Since we can't afford to pay Jordan to wear very little in our magazine, we might as well phone Jodie Marsh.
by od smith March 10, 2005
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A form of currency only recognised in two places: anywhere prefixed with the phrase "HM Prison", or Penge.
"Oi mate, you got a Rizla?"
by od smith March 22, 2005
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The better looking, non-irritating and far less overexposed sister of Paris Hilton.
Actually, I find Nicky Hilton to be better looking than Paris, and not so bloody irritating.
by od smith February 23, 2005
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