72 definitions by not found [Error 404]

Complete douchebag, NASCAR driver for the #2 Miller Lite Dodge for lame ass Penske Racing, no racing talent whatsoever. He acts all nice on camera but in person he's a total cocksucker. This guy is a big fake.
"Kurt Busch is a douchebag."
by not found [Error 404] March 27, 2008
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The only member in Pink Floyd who actually had songwriting talent, besides Syd Barrett, whos career was cut short.
Roger Waters was Pink Floyd. Not David Gilmour.
by not found [Error 404] September 13, 2007
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Entercom Communications:

An American radio station group, kind of like Clear Channel, but less worse. They like to buy indepedently ran radio stations then once they take control of the station they immediately flip to some sell out format.
"What the fuck? Why is 96.5 playing Mainstream Hip Hop instead of Indie Rock Alternative? Looks like Entercom just bought out another independent radio station! Fuck you, Entercom!"
by not found [Error 404] January 25, 2009
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The very bland, very unfunny, very unoriginal creator of Family Guy that Fox chose to bring back for another season instead of Futurama. (aka the LESS retarded more original and actually FUNNY show.)
*Making an episode of Family Guy*

Seth MacFarlane: Geez, guys. I'm running out of ideas for Family Guy.

Executive Producer: Hmm. Well maybe we can steal a scene from The Simpsons, then change it up a little bit so people will think it's original, like we always do!

Seth MacFarlane: Great idea!

Seth MacFarlane: Oh, and let's just stick another joke about Tom Cruise being gay in there like we did a million times already, even though South Park did it first. Or maybe make another joke about how Meg sucks.

Executive Producer: Hahahaha! That's hilarious! Yeah, okay, they'll think that's funny, too. Because jokes repeated over and over and over again are ALWAYS funny, right?
by not found [Error 404] January 17, 2009
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1.The talentless creator of the tasteless, humorless "comedy" shows Family Guy and American Dad. See: one laugh wonder

2.An overly-self indulgent asshole.
1.Seth MacFarlane has to steal from The Simpsons to make his own comedy shows seem funny.

2.Why does Seth MacFarlane treat his fans like crap? Doesn't he realize his so called "comedy" shows suck?
by not found [Error 404] December 25, 2008
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