10 definitions by nigadiga

To import semen into a country. Usually used as an illegal way for sperm banks to transport sperm across countries
I semenized all 10 galloons of semen from Mexico to Guatemala
by nigadiga June 26, 2023
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The best boy you will ever meet. Good at math, science, history, geography, languages, and in bed. Does the best job ever, and gives the best blowjobs too. He made me cum in 4.5 seconds. Yuggles tend to have terrible personalities though, and they smoke meth and crack. They will insult you until you cuddle with them, then rub their cold balls on your teary, inflamed face after you cry. Then Yuggles will be the best Yuggles ever
“I fucked a Yuggles and now I lost my penis in my balls”
“That’s what happens when you shop at Yeo Yuggles Wuggy™”
by nigadiga May 18, 2023
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